Category Archives: beauty

which doctor’s products to trust

I oftentimes hear many women who religiously buy products from one line because they think it’s more effective or that because 1 standout product means that the whole Line is great as well. And I believed this for many years. But this is not often so. For marketing purposes, many brands often add products to their line so that they appear “complete” and it’s a great way to up sell (I.e. make more money).

This particular article highlights the standout product(s) in dermatologists’ lines. We assume that because they have a medical degree, they shld have the most effective products. Hhmmm…

From allure:



old beauty musings…

i first started blogging solely about beauty products & celebrities. i’ve long stopped doing this but for those who are interested in my old blog, check it here. not much but could be interesting…

i will be using mils’ play life as a central site to all of my passions/hobbies/interests/life. plus, i don’t have as much time now to write as much to warrant maintaining several blogs.

new japanese skin care line…tatcha

looks very interesting. check out this article, 200 year old skincare routine that really works. i’m quite cynical of marketing claims, esp with my business /marketing background, but it really intrigued me. link an age-old skincare routine with the well known smooth, poreless and radiant skin of japanese (and korean) women? i’m almost converted…

their 4 product range is quite pared down, and i realize i use 3 very similar steps/products already:

1. cleansing oil – done. my holy grail for the past 10+ yrs is softymo deep cleansing oil

2. enzyme rice powder – done. i got some freebies of an enzyme powder from a company i interned at before, amea skindividuals

3. skin-brightening serum – done. i use a knock-off of skinceuticals phyto brightening gel

kim’s beauty essentials

I’m a product ho, and through all of my years of researching, buying and testing new beauty products, I’ve pretty much got my holy grails in different product categories down pat. Nonetheless, when I see or read about a beauty icon-to-me rhapsodize about certain products, I listen.

Especially with concealers. My requirements: full coverage, waterproof or long-lasting at the very least, and of course, a color match.

I’m currently using and loving tarte’s Amazonian clay waterproof concealer and love the coverage and convenience of stick form. But of course, I still love to try new things. On my wish list: cle de peau, Edward bess, and now, Kevyn aucoin’s sensual skin enhancer.

Check the article from march’s allure issue that prompted me to research more into kevyn’s concealer.
